Today marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year, winter solstice is a great moment to move inwards, reflect and plan for the new year ahead.
After tomorrow the light will slowly tip over again, there’s a certain hope in the air, a reminder that “we tend to imagine that our lives are linear, but they are in fact cyclical. (…) There are times when everything seems easy, and times when it all seems impossibly hard. To make that manageable, we just have to remember that our present will one day become a past, and our future will be our present. We know that because it’s happened before.” (from Wintering, by Katherine May, who I had the pleasure to interview last year).
As I am readying to fully go into my personal hibernation today, which will consist of deleting social media till the 6th of January and using my phone as little as possible in order to focus on finishing my second book of essays, I thought to share these 9 questions/tasks I am going to do over the next days.