This is the first Muse Letter I am actually writing in this new year 2021 and it was supposed to be about how I came out of hibernation but looking around: the Christmas tree all chopped up in the corner to be burned as firewood, the decorations gone and the park outside my window covered in snow. – I’m not sure if I am ready yet.
The house is ready to move into the next phase, the world has already moved on to the next phase (not a good one unfortunately) but my mind is still craving the lull peace of watching Buffy - The Vampire Slayer and Call The Midwife to take the edge off, reading a couple of pages from books I have been meaning to read and a lot of not-working and talking to friends and family.
For 16 days I have reminded myself daily that I don’t need to do anything which ended in: stopping La Dolce Vita mid-movie because after that infamous fountain scene, it got kind of dull and I couldn’t identify with the main character…