Just kidding. Fuck those guys.
This is about something way more important.
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my dad on the phone and he said something along the lines of “sometimes I really don’t want to be in your shoes.” And what he was talking about was the fact that most of the things that I do are solely relying on me and an unknown number of people out there. That for nearly every single thing that I have accomplished, I needed to put myself out there and say: hey I made this thing. Do you like it?
It’s a weird life, being an artist and also running a creative business and generally of course being a human alive combined. But mostly it’s working, because mostly people, most of the time have answered: yes. i like it.
I believe deeply in creating art this way via platforms like substack or crowdfunding campaigns or self-publishing, because it protects the autonomy and authenticity of the artwork. That there’s something really magical albeit anxiety inducing to do it exactly t…