Falling out of time or Things that don't work anymore after you hit 30 or Whatever is over
The Muse Letter No. 89
SUBMISSIONS OPEN: I am looking for strong personal essays from 1200-3000 words to be featured on The Muse Letter. Read the guidelines and how to submit here.
Like Taylor Swift I was born 1989. Not that I have anything else to say about her, it’s a mere fact. Something that pops up in my mind when I think about it. Just like the fact that I was growing up with Harry Potter always being the same age as him. These things mark time for me. Measuring up relations. Just that now they don’t mean anything anymore. They don’t connect me to a current Zeitgeist. They’re over.
Somehow it happened but I’ve fallen out of time. I’m post-time, post-culture. Or better I am part of nostalgia-culture now, of pick your own, find your niche and stay in it or worse the pending doom of younger people making you feel weird about everything you ever liked. You ( I’m talking to the people over 30 now) might still feel like you are part of youth culture but youth culture is not about you anymore, it’s not for you. Which is not necessarily negative or positive, it just is. I’m sorry.
Robert Pattinson was recently photographed by GQ (he was born 1986 by the way) in the most 90s way possible: yes very orange and platinum blonde, spiky hair, gel, silver (ugly ugly) sunglasses, and a ridiculous pose. He actually looks a lot like Chandler from Friends. Anyway I know this because someone posted it on their story on Instagram which also signifies the hill I am going to die on the hill being Instagram, the platform I will not leave just like my parents are trapped on Facebook though, to be honest, I am not talking about my parents here: they don’t even have Facebook, so I’m talking about generic parents you now, anyway I saw the story somewhere else again and here we are now in this text, this potential brain dump I am just gonna put on you, for now, I have some thoughts, some things that I’ve noticed over the last years: this is not just about getting older, this is about the culture that dies with it.
The decade is back in which you remember being a person. Namely the 90s and the noughties and ugly aesthetic and plastic and everything artificial (see R.P.) and gel, sleek, icy looks is BACK. And lime green. Which matches perfectly with this other colour that I hate: grape purple. And it’s not just the fact that I detest a lot of things that were hip then it’s just that they seem so fake now. Like a cheap copy makes you realise the true essence of the thing itself. There’s barely innovation in reproducing trends especially when they are followed so religiously. Robert Pattinson almost stops existing in those photos because there’s no time marker or there is but it’s not correct. It is just pose, just copy. It’s like he has no identity because he’s time-traveling not attached to anything. Maybe this is getting to meta here but I’m trying to convey the feeling that I have when looking at these photos. And I think it makes a difference to me now because I remember. It’s different when popstars in my teens would emulate let’s say, Marylin Monroe or Audrey Hepburn. It’s different because I did not experience these stars firsthand. I have never worn white pearls and gloves or got a perm. This is also why.