Sitting in a darkroom can be disorientating.
You prepare everything beforehand: you put the roll of film in front of you, the scissors to trim it from the spool, the tin opener, the reel on which you load the film, the tank, funnel and its lid. You memorise their positions and hope that your hands find their way later. That they’ll somehow just know where you left everything. – And then it gets dark and trust in yourself is the only thing you really need.
In darkness we find ourselves distinctively.
My relationship with photography is deeply intertwined with my relationship to my Dad. Or at least that’s how it started. Like my affinity towards Marzipan, my taste for herring fish sauce, my interest in gardening it all comes down to the fact that my Dad loves these things and in an attempt to connect as a young child: I chose to feel the same way.
I guess that’s normal. We all pick up things from our parents that we like or admire and emulate them in one way or ano…