all the mistakes i made in my career so far (so you don‘t have to make them, though if you‘re anything like me you‘ll do them anyway) | part 1
The Muse Letter No. 137
welcome to the glorious mess that i have compiled especially for you, all my mistakes i have ever made (so far) in a list, neatly typed up, so that you - dear reader – may learn from them.
why did i wake up this morning and suddenly felt the urge to examine my life in the most excruciating way and extract this list? i could not say. perhaps it has to do with the fact that before going to bed last night i suddenly realised that i had sent an email addressing two people where one of the names i used were wrong (as in i used a completely different name) and i started laughing. silly me, again. writing my silly little emails too fast, hitting sent and instant regret.
now this list contains way bigger mistakes than that. it contains things that i regret deeply, things that i am still working on and things that though i deem as mistakes have valuable lessons in them. i think there’s huge value in admitting mistakes and failures, to let people know, that things aren’t always perfect or going according to plan. it’s a way to help others, to inform and be in communion. it holds one accountable as real change only happens if we really have to, when we’re faced with consequences. or to quote renata adler “I think when you are truly stuck, when you have stood still in the same spot for too long, you throw a grenade in exactly the spot you were standing in, and jump, and pray. It is the momentum of last resort.”
so this is me making a leap as i watch this explode.
may you learn from it.
a compiled list of mistakes that definitely made everything a lot hard than it had to be (part 1):