There’s nothing more common than having an opinion about seasons. Justifications why this one is in fact one’s personal favourite and that one not so much. Even the most nihilistic person can’t deny that season’s changing affects them somehow, that it changes our outlook, our feelings towards the future.
To deny the effect is to deny change in general, to deny the process of continuous growth/decay and re-birth.
This year I find myself at another threshold or is it the same? A couple of days ago I found an unanswered email in my inbox from exactly a year ago which made me reflect upon the facts:
That I am too one of these people that apparently forget/fail to answer sometimes
What has changed and why
What has not changed and why
Fariha Róisín said in the brilliant threshold podcast I recently discovered that she constantly feels like being in an in-between state, in the bardo: A liminal space between death and re-birth, a constant threshold so to speak. Something…